Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Creamy Pork and Mushroom


A very tasty creamy dish that will have you scraping the pan out for more, great with rice and a baguette.


Pork 500-700g (about 200g per person)

Mushrooms (2 handfuls)

Cream (300ml)

Vegetable Stock cube

2 small onions


Salt and Pepper

Rice (1/2 cup per person or more if you’re hungry)

Cornflower/Arrow root (a teaspoon, for thickening)

Natural yoghurt (if there’s any hanging around)

Cooking equipment

Small pan

Large frying pan

Pan for rice



· Cut up the pork into thin slices, remember to wash your hands afterwards

· Chop up the onions and mushrooms ready to go in.

· Put water on to boil for the rice with a bit of salt then whack your rice in.

· Put your stock cube and about 2 cups of water in the small pan and boil until it has reduced by half.

· Add half your onions to it and all the cream and reduce by half again, then let it simmer. If it still needs thickening mix your teaspoon of cornflower into a very small amount of water until pasty, then mix into the sauce

· Fry off the pork with the rest of the onions and season with parsley, salt and pepper in the frying pan

· Once the pork is cooked, add the sauce and mushrooms to the frying pan and mix in a bit more parsley with that bit of natural yoghurt if you’ve got any.

· Sort out your rice and serve it up, nice one.